

By God’s Grace, The Bookstore has faithfully served our parish and surrounding community since 1985. Founded by the late Sarah Jackson, the late Ginny Peters, and the Rev. Larry Hall (retired), its staff and dozens of volunteers have over the years worked to build a warm and welcoming space where seekers could find knowledge, inspiration, and a little bit of peace.


We are a ministry of The Church of St. John the Divine in Houston, Texas. Our mission is ‘to serve the Christian community by providing quality religious materials and gifts and as a source for enrichment and spiritual growth.’ That mission extends to the products we select. We look for items and vendors that share our values, our mission, and our love for Jesus.

Personal Service

Our staff and volunteers are delighted to meet you. Whether you need help selecting a new bible, finding a special gift, or are seeking comfort and wisdom in the words of a devotional or book, we are here for you. We consider it a privilege to serve you, both in person and on-line.